To change the email associated with your MoneyLover account, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Tell us your current email account and the new email address, one that hasn’t been registered with MoneyLover before.
- Step 2: Sync your data and check your synced data on the website.
- Step 3: If all your data has been synced on the website, please log out from all devices. (Do not log out if the data is not fully displayed/ synced on the website)
- Step 4: Let us know after you have done all steps.
- Please notice that we can not change your email belong to your account if you log in through Google, Apple ID or Facebook account. We can only change email if you register both email and password with MoneyLover.
- We will keep the Premium account for the new email account.
- Email change is only supported for Premium accounts.