In the MoneyLover, translation is powered by contributions from our user community. As a result, some parts of the app may not be fully translated. You can help us improve by participating in the translation process. If you come across any untranslated sections or think you can provide a better translation, please send us your feedback and contributions to help us enhance the app for everyone.
To join our translation community, please follow these steps:
- Step 1: Join MoneyLover Project on Crowdin
We use Crowdin, a platform for translators to contribute to online projects.
You can sign up here The sign up process is very fast and Crowndin is super easy to use.
- Step 2: Select language, pick up unfinished file
- Step 3: Translate words or Suggest correct translation
You can enter your translation in the box and hit Save.
If you find some incorrect translations, you can suggest new one or vote for the best version.
Note: Categories you create in your own language will not be translated if you switch languages.