After 14 days of trying Premium, your account will revert to the Free version.
Here's what features you can access after the Premium trial ends:
1. Free accounts can only use ONE wallet
Once the trial ends, you can select any wallet as your default to continue managing your money. If you wish to use all wallets as usual, consider upgrading to Premium.
With the selected default wallet, you can perform the following actions:
- Add, edit, delete, view transaction lists.
- View reports for individual wallets. For locked wallets, you can still review previous data and perform the following actions.
- View transaction lists, delete transactions.
- View reports for individual wallets.
2. Budgets
- Budgets you've created in the wallets will remain active for the current cycle but won’t repeat in subsequent cycles. You can delete these budgets if needed.
- You can add budgets for the default wallet if the number of active and finished budgets across all wallets is less than 2.
3. Advertisements will always display for Free accounts.
4. Other advanced features are limited
After the free trial ends, you won't be able to:
- Export income/expense data to Google Sheets.
- View reports across all wallets.
- Add invoices, recurring transactions, events in locked wallets.
- Only allowed to add a single invoice, a single recurring transaction, a single event in the default wallet.
These are the remaining features after the 14-day free Premium trial. If you have any questions while using the app, feel free to contact us via email at for prompt support. Thank you for choosing MoneyLover to manage your expenses among many other applications out there! 🫶🥰